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FINA Speed & Endurance & UNAA Ninja Competition

Hosted by Ninja Core Training Gym in Beautiful Colorado Springs over Thanksgiving Break Saturday, November 30th and Sunday, December 1st! 

Come test your speed and endurance on our Ninja course! Achieve a full clear or place in the top 3 to qualify for FINA Sectionals  or top 3 and/or  top 50% for UNAA Regionals. We will do a Thanksgiving/Autumn theme for our competitions! 



📅 Date:

  • Saturday, November 30th: FINA Endurance Area Qualifier & UNAA Area Qualifier

  • Sunday, December 1st: FINA Speed Area Qualifier

⏰ Time:

  • Saturday (Nov 30th): 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM (UNAA Area & FINA Endurance Qualifiers)

  • Sunday (Dec 1st): 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM (FINA Speed Qualifier)

📍 Location:
Ninja Core Training Gym (formerly Lost Island Indoor)
6060 Hollow Tree Court, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Look for a big green “NINJA WARRIOR” sign and lime green garage doors.



🏆 Why Attend?

Compete in UNAA and FINA  Area qualifiers in one action-packed weekend! Knock out three scoring comps in one weekend. The FINA Endurance UNAA course are on the exact  same course but they are scored by 2 scorekeepers and awards can be achieved in both UNAA and FINA. You can qualify for Regionals in both events on the same course! We all know there are so many competitions and it's hard to attend all of them so we have made it convenient for you to qualify in UNAA, FINA speed and FINA endurance all in one weekend over Thanksgiving Break! 



💲 Registration Fees ( REGISTRATION closes November 27th-price doubles)

  • Single UNAA Event  $65

  • Single FINA Event: $65

  • Two Events: $90

  • All Three Events:  $130

  • After November 27th you can register for $100 for one event, $200 for two events or $250 for all three events and GO FIRST

  • Spectators: Free! 

🧒 Age Divisions for UNAA 

(UNAA age as of January 1, 2025)

  • 7U: Ages 5-7

  • 9U: Ages 8-9

  • 11U: Ages 10-11

  • 13U: Ages 12-13 

  • 15U Ages 14-15

  • Amateur: 16-39 

  • Masters: Ages 40+  

  • Masters: Ages 50+ (for UNAA)

  • Intermediate (Age 13+ ) this if for those who are not a beginner but also not a pro) 

  • PRO ( Elite Level) : Ages 13+


🧒 Age Divisions for FINA 

(FINA age as of January 1, 2025)

  • 7U: Ages 5-7

  • 9U: Ages 8-9

  • 11U: Ages 10-11

  • 13U: Ages 12-13 

  • Young Adult 14-24 ( FINA)

  • Amateur 25+ ( FINA)

  • Masters: Ages 40+  

  • Top Flight Elite: Ages 13+



OFFICIAL Event Schedule



  • 7;30  AM: Check-in begins ( arrive 15 min before you scheduled rules time

  • 8:00 AM RULES 8:30 am Start  -10:00AM: Ages 7U 

  • 10:15 AM RULES–10:45am Start 12:45 PM: Ages 9U

  • 1:00 PM RULES– 1:30pm start -3;30 PM: Ages 11U/

  • 3;45 PM RULES– 4;15 pm start -5:30 PM: MASTERS/Ages 13U

  • 5;45 PM RULES– 6:15 pm start  to 8:15PM: Amateurs/Young Adult/15U/Intermediate

  • 8:30 PM RULES - 9 pm start –10PM:  / Pro (13+)


Sunday, December 1st: ( AUTUMN THEMED)
FINA Speed Sectionals ( 2 runs per person) 

Check in is no later than 15  min prior to start of rules! 

  • Gym opens at 8:00 am 

  • 8;30 AM Rules   9am –10:00 AM: Ages 7U

  • 10:15 AM rules  10:45 am  –12:00 PM: Ages 9U

  • 12:15 am Rules  12;45 pm  –2;15 PM: Ages 11U

  • 2;30 pm rules    3 pm  –4;30  PM: MASTERSAges 13U

  • 4;45 PM rules    5:15 pm  –6:15 PM: Adult amateurs/Young Adult

6:45 PM rules      7:15 –8:00 PM: Elite Pro (13+)


🏅 How to Qualify to Sectionals/Regionals 

  • FINA Sectionals (May 2025 in Colorado Springs DAte TBD):
    Top 3 per division, or all full clears, advance to FINA Sectionals. FINA Speed advances to FINA Speed Sectionals and FINA Endurance advance to FINA Endurance Sectionals which will take place in May 2025

  • UNAA Regionals (May 2025 in Colorado Springs Date TBD)
    Top 3 and/or 50% in each male/female division of Qualifiers advance to UNAA Regionals . If someone is already qualified, the next participant in the leaderboard will advance.



Competition Format

FINA Speed Qualifier:

  • 8 obstacles focusing on speed, agility, and strength.

  • Top 3 in each division and/or all full clears advance to FiNA Speed Sectionals.

FINA Endurance Qualifier:

  • 12 obstacles testing grip, upper/lower body endurance, and agility.

  • 15-second rest max between obstacles. Top 3 and/or any full clears advance to FINA Endurance Sectionals

UNAA Area Qualifier

  • Endurance-based  12 obstacle course, scored simultaneously with FINA using separate timers on the same course! 

  • Top 3 per division or Top 50% advance to UNAA Regional Qualifiers


  • You cannot compete in PRO in one league and age group in another. For example if you are competing 13U in FINA and pro in UNAA then you have to choose ONE (because the FINA endurance course is same as UNAA endurance course and it would be unfair to do both to others) SO CHOOSE ONE ( There are less FINA available so i recommend you do FINA and catch a different UNAA)  YOU can compete in age groups that have the same course For example you can compete in 15U in UNAA and Young adult in FINA since they are the same course. You will get two different leaderboards! You compete in two different categories if they are on different days. For example if you compete in PRO for UNAA Endurance  and then age group FINA Speed you can do that since they are different courses! 




  • FINA Speed & Endurance Podium Certificates and Medal: Top 3 per division

  • UNAA Medals: Top 3 per division

  • Kids Divisions up to 13 U: Top 5 will be recognized



The Ultimate Ninja Athlete Association (UNAA) Intermediate Class is a competition class for amateur athletes:

  • Movement into the Intermediate Class: Athletes who place in the top 10 at the UNAA Finals move up to the Intermediate Class. Athletes who are in the Pro Class but don't qualify for the World Finals or place in the top 20% at the World Final Prelims can also move down to the Intermediate Class.

  • Movement out of the Intermediate Class: Athletes who place in the top 10 at the World Finals move up to the Pro Class.

  • Age Groups: There is something for all ages 6 and up.  Athletes 16 and older  compete in the Adult classes. You are encouraged to stay in your age group but allowed to bump up one age group if desire to be challenged. 13+ may bump to intermediate and pro categories

  • Masters 50+: This class is limited to competitors who are 50 and older 

  • Open category is only available upon request 



Registration Instructions

  1. Find your Ninja Works ID: (
    Log in to your NinjaMasterApp account ( and add your Ninjaworks athlete ID to the “My Athletes” section you can edit and add under your profile right under T-shirt size and Local Gym!

  2. Select Events:
    Be sure to highlight your chosen events—UNAA, FINA Speed, FINA Endurance, or Fun Run.It will highlight green if you select nothing it will auto select to UNAA.



Hotel Accommodations

Stay at MCM Elegante Suites (just across from Lost Island Outdoor Gym and near the event).

  • Discount: Mention “FINA/UNAA Competition” when get a great discount BEST to CALL

  • Rates: $89–$119 per night (includes kitchenette)

  • Contact: Trevor Davis at 719-590-1111

  • Address: 6450 N Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918



Contact Information

For questions, email: Suzanne Himka at 719-232-2049




🏃 Secure Your Spot!

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